Baked Oatmeal Muffins

Our baked oatmeal muffins are our modern approach to a traditional family favorite. Decades ago, the ovens of Country Table Restaurant and Bakery (the original name of our bakery) would be filled with pans of baked oatmeal everyday. Baked oatmeal came in all different flavors, and would be sliced up and served to people and families sitting down to share breakfast together.


But times have changed. Most people are either taking breakfast on-the-go, or enjoying breakfast at home while they get their kids to school or get started on their workday. In order to meet the demands of our modern customer, we’ve downsized our recipe into muffin form. Our Baked Oatmeal Muffins are perfectly portioned to help you start your day off right. We’ve made some modifications to our traditional recipe to make them less crumbly, and easier to eat on the go.

For those truly looking for a complete breakfast on the go, you can also check out our speciality coffee bar. Our team of baristas can make your drink exactly the way you want it, the perfect compliment to a baked oatmeal muffin, or one of our traditional pastries.

We also recognized that our modern customer is dealing with more allergens, especially with gluten. Tom and Jess Daly, the owners of Rise Bake Shoppe, have both followed a gluten free diet for almost a decade.

“Making our baked oatmeal muffins naturally gluten-free was a no brainer,” Tom noted. “Unlike wheat, oats are naturally gluten free. The problem you run into at most bakeries is they simply do not invest in certified gluten free oats. The only difference with gluten-free oats is they are kept from cross-contamination both in the field and at the factory. While we are not a dedicated gluten-free facility, we are excited to continue to create new, naturally made-without-gluten that are allergen friendly for our customers.”

Our traditonal ‘plain’ baked oatmeal muffin recipe is a delicious combination of cinnamon and brown sugar, with a sprinkle of walnuts to add a light crunch to the texture. Each muffin is wrapped individually for those who want to keep a few in their freezer to pull out when needed.